How many iPhones does it take to stop a bullet?
This article, How many iPhones does it take to stop a
bullet|// Whenever a new iPhone comes out, there are lots of questions about
its screen resolution, its battery life, the quality of its cameraYou know,
normal questions// A YouTube user known as Everything Apple Pro recently had
another kind of question about the shiny slabs of tech just how many of them it
would take to stop a bullet shot at close range from an AK-74// No, that`s not
a typo the AK74 is a Russian assault rifle that was released in 1974 and put
into wide circulation during Russia`s 1979 conflict with Afghanistan// Like its
more well-known predecessor, the AK47
which was made in you guessed it
1947 , the gun was also made by Mikhail Kalashnikov// But I digress//
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iPhone 6 and 6 Plus drop and drown test results are in Can the iPhone 6 Plus
stop a 50-caliber bullet| What`s really important here is that, according to
EverythingApplePro, the gun can fire bullets that leave the muzzle at up to 2//900
feet about 884 meters per second// So
just how many phones would you need in your pocket to stop that bad boy from
penetrating your hide| To find out, the intrepid host of EverythingApplePro
built a wooden holder and placed into it eight phones, including three iPhone 6
Pluses, two iPhone 6s, some smaller iPhones, one iPhone clone and a Samsung
Galaxy S6 at the very end for good measure// Then he fired into the lineup//
The results| Well, you`ll just have to take a look at the video above// In the
first attempt, you`ll see that the bullet actually hits the wooden frame during
its trajectory, so that certainly helped slow it down// Fear not* A second
round is put right through the middle of the devices next, so hang in there for
the real results// And there`s even a shotgun blast at the end to finish things
off -- literally// One thing is certain* It`s not practical to carry enough
iPhones on your body to make you bulletproof
and you wouldn`t have the air space between them that exists in this
experiment either // For that, you might want to check out this cool
bulletproof suit if you have lots of
cool cash on hand// Oh, and don`t try this experiment at home// Please|
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