Clean Eating: What You Can & Cannot Eat
  Start replacing unhealthy foods with nourishing foods. 
 The word detox conjures up images of fasting, cleansing and restricting food groups// Especially for a family, it can sound too extreme// Instead, as a health coach, I advise my clients to focus on eating clean// Of course it is a form of detox, as you are getting rid of unhealthy foods and replacing them with nourishing foods, but it feels more do-able than trying to exist on juice// Even better, the whole family can join in// Clean eating is a long-term lifestyle, not a diet// It will keep you and your family healthy with strong immune systems// One woman and her family that I know of moved to this country from Brazil// In their country the mother shopped every day or two for fresh vegetables, fruits and lean, organic cuts of chicken, meat *amp fish// Once living in America the family adopted the typical American diet of fast and overly processed food// The whole family got sick, fat, depressed and tired// The family ended up going from doctor to doctor and spent enormous amounts of money for care and to get drugs to mask several symptoms that were only a bi-product of their new eating habits// Once the mother went on a five-week Candida program, comprised of clean eating *amp exercise, she lost weight, gained energy and her depression lifted// She no longer needed the pharmaceutical drugs as her symptoms disappeared// The family also lost weight along side her and ate an overall better diet and change their lifestyle, too// It`s an example of why eating clean is so important// Here`s how you can do it too// What to cut out | By just eliminating the temptations from your home environment, you will already be on a better path// Eliminate anything rich, sugary, or highly processed// Avoid fried foods, fast foods and snacks that only provide empty calories rather than nutrition// Do not purchase foods with high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, food colorings or preservatives// Read labels with your kids so they can learn about what`s in their food// What to keep in | For the most part, a good rule is to avoid eating foods that come in a box, bag or can// A good rule of thumb is that fresh produce should fill up 80% of your cart// Choose whole foods from their most natural state// Be adventurous | Incorporate new vegetables and fruits that you may not have had in the past// Add Kale, and collard greens, jicama, and grated turmeric// Learn about super foods and add fermented food to help you get your gut healthier// Have your kitchen inspected | Many nutritionists or naturopaths offer at home kitchen services// They will go through your pantry and refrigerator and help you remove the junk from your home// They can even go to the grocery or health food store with you, pointing out quality ingredients and new foods for you to try// Make eating healthy easy | Keep a colorful array of fresh cut veggies and fruit in the fridge// Keep a fruit bowl in prominent sight// Purchase raw nuts, hummus, fresh salsa and guacamole// Make sure you take time to prep these fresh items by taking time to cut and have on hand for easier meal prep and grab and go snacks// By taking this time, it will be much more easier to cook healthier meals and grab a quick snack// After school, while the kids are doing their homework or while you are cooking dinner, put out the cut veggies and hummus// It is much better to fill up on healthy things than snacking on chips or empty calorie foods and your family will be getting much better nutrients// Limit sugar | Excess sugar consumption is the main cause of obesity and pre-diabetes// There is also a direct link to eating sugar and brain health// There is new evidence that shows that 75-80% of our immune system is in direct relation to our gut health// We need to make sure that we don`t have an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria// It is also important to choose foods that are lower on the glycemic index// It is very different to eat white rice vs// brown rice// The white rice immediately turns to sugar and give you a high and then a low, where as the brown rice gets administered much slower into your system and keeps your energy constant// Better yet, add lentils or beans with the rice and it becomes a perfect protein// So learn about and choose foods that are lower on the glycemic index for consistent energy and not the extreme highs and lows of the typical sugar laden American diet// What to indulge in when you do | For an occasional treat, choose better forms of your favorite sweets such as coconut milk ice cream, gluten free cookies or a product like Haagen Daz that lists only four ingredients// A key is to not have too many options for sweets, just one or two at a time depending on your family size// Eat dried fruits sparingly as they contain high amounts of sugar// Look for the dried fruits that do not contain preservatives// Those bright orange apricots look and taste great, however they are loaded with preservatives// Eat clean for your family | What your family puts on the ends of their forks is critically important to their future health, both physically and mentally// It is important to teach our children good health habits now// As parents, we need to walk the walk and model good eating behaviors for our kids// It`s key to set a good foundation for health and wellness for everyone//


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Djali qe pervidhej nga dritarja dhe me hynte ne shtrat kap 1 - Kristy Moseley - pdf, Djali qe pervidhej nga dritarja dhe me hynte ne shtrat ...
